Ku-ring-gai Little Athletics is located at Bannockburn Oval, Bannockburn Road, PymblePostal Address - PO Box 68, Gordon, 2072.
The Ku-ring-gai Little Athletics Centre was established in September 1977 and is one of approximately 200 such Centres in NSW. There are 39,000 “Little Athletes” throughout NSW, and around 90,000 nationally. Kur-ring-gai Little Athletics Centre Inc. is incorporated under NSW law, and is affiliated with the Little Athletics Association of NSW Inc. Our Centre is operated on a non-profit basis, and has no paid employees. Aside from qualified coaches whom we engage for several hours each week during the season, the Centre is operated entirely by parents and family members on a voluntary basis.
Our Centre draws on families throughout Ku-ring-gai including Gordon, Pymble, West Pymble, St Ives, Turramurra and Wahroonga – these six suburbs form the Centre’s “Club” structure. Ku-ring-gai Council maintains our track and field facilities in the best possible condition.